[Gvsig_english] The gvSIG-portal - two remarks

Wolfgang Qual wolfgang.qual at muenchen.de
Mon Feb 21 11:01:32 CET 2011

Dear all,

the gvSIG-portal (http://www.gvsig.org/web/) is helpful and good - no 
question. You can find links to the most things that are related to the 
gvSIG-project. However, I do have some remarks on what could be improved:

* the start page of the portal is in Spanish - this is a problem for 
non-spanish speakers. I think that there are ways to tackle this 
language question by some html-code (the page should be opened in 
English, if the page is accessed in a non-Spanish-speaking country). If 
this is not possible, choose English as the standard language. It's just 
a little improvement, but it has some symbolic power

* The Portal is technically ok, but it's not that attractive to someone 
who does not know the project. There are other examples that show how it 
could be done (personally, I really like the qgis-portal: 
http://www.qgis.org/). The first page should really welcome interested 
people. Add some pictures, something personal, etc. I do not know, if 
it's possible with plone. But it would have some effect, no question.


Wolfgang Qual

Landeshauptstadt München
Referat für Gesundheit und Umwelt
Umweltschutz, Umweltvorsorge
Team Klimaschutz, Energie

Bayerstraße 28a
80335 München

Telefon:  +49 - 89 - 233 - 4 77 17
Telefax:  +49 - 89 - 233 - 4 77 05
E-Mail:   wolfgang.qual at muenchen.de
Internet: http://www.muenchen.de/rgu

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