[Gvsig_english] joining two geometries or more from oracle

Falk Krusche krusche at mapconcept.de
Thu Jun 30 09:51:34 CEST 2011

Hello Toni,

I got the same error when operating with postgis tables. Mainly the 
reasons where:
- trying to save a multi geometry to a nonmulti geometry column (gvsig 
allows you to edit these tables, but not to save the results)
- trying to edit a table without serial column and/or primary key

So have a look at your table structure, maybe this already helps.


Am 29.06.2011 17:40, schrieb Toni Pignataro:
> Hello all,
> when joining two geometries from an oracle database (polygon-layer) and
> stop editing for saving my results i got the error
> 'java.lang.IllegalStateException: Can't overwrite cause'.
> Is this an know issu? Donig the same operation with a shape file works fine.
> Thanks for any suggestions and regards,
> Toni P.
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