[Gvsig_english] General Question: Adding WMS Server -> choosing the right/best EPSG

Mario Carrera carrera_marrod at gva.es
Mon Mar 21 09:44:13 CET 2011

Hi Marcel,

the SRSs available in a WMS layer are the systems of the area. In the 
case of idee.es, about cartography of Spain, you will have ED50-UTM 
(230xx), ETRS89 -UTM (258xx) and 4326 (WGS84-geographic) among others 
("xx" will be from 28 to 31, the zones of Spain). They are the most used 
SRSs here.

You can consult the EPSG codes on 

About the right / best one to select will depend on the other 
cartography that you are using on the same view. For example, if you are 
working with a GPS in WGS84-geographic, you can load the WMS layer in 
4326 if you don't want to reproject the GPS points.

Best regards,

Marcel Schoolmeesters escribió:
> Hey,
> anybody who can help me with choosing the right EPSG?
> I know there are different EPSG, each for different coordinate system 
> and projection. But when many SRS are selectable, which is the right / 
> best one? and what's the reason for choosing it? e.g. the gvSIG Mobile 
> Default WMS: 
> http://www.idee.es/wms/PNOA/PNOA?Request=GetCapabilities&Service=WMS ... 
> why are so many EPSG listed?
> Best regards,
> Marcel
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