[Gvsig_english] nearest distance between points in polygons

Antonio Falciano afalciano at yahoo.it
Mon May 30 17:50:58 CEST 2011

Il 30/05/2011 17.03, Zi ha scritto:
> Thanks a lot, but gvSIG can't create the distance matrix (Message: out of
> memory error - java heap space). Are the 3645 points too much to caculate
> the matrix?
Probably they're too much... but if you have enough RAM on your machine, 
you can increase the memory available in the gvSIG.ini file, 
substituting the -Xmx512m value with by -Xmx1024m (where m stands for 
megabytes). However, we have to consider that the maximum number of 
fields in a dbf table should be 256, so we have to change the strategy 
reducing the number of points, making the process iterative in some way 
or porting the analysis on ...raster side! Good luck!


Antonio Falciano

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