[Gvsig_english] bug in build 1411 gvSIG 1.12: Priority to "All supported files" in the Open dialog of Add layer

Francisco Puga fpuga at cartolab.es
Wed Jun 13 13:54:45 CEST 2012

2012/6/12 Antonio Falciano <afalciano at yahoo.it>:
> That's why portable versions are generally less time consuming (e.g.
> build 1406) and basic users don't fall in Java gotchas. ;)
> Thank you very much for the patch.

I mostly agree, but i think that there are user that prefer the
installed version.

Anyway cartolab will release a not official portable version, ¿with
java 1.6 i believe? when the stable version of the 1.12 get published.

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