[Gvsig_english] Graphs and quotation

José Antonio Canalejo Alonso jacanalejo at yahoo.es
Fri Mar 16 12:39:01 CET 2012

>Hi everybody,
>I have two specific questions about functionalities in gvSIG.
>1. is there any possibility how to create graphs (not only histograms) - 
not by symbology only like symbol, but like the whole graph which could be then exported like figure or like graph to the xls or other file? Or 
is there the possibility of exporting pie or bar legends like graphs?

No it isn't. This is a functionality that a lot of people want. 

>2. is there any function or extension for making quotes? for example quotation of lines or segments of polygon.

What do you mean exactly?

>I would be happy for all sugestions,
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