[Gvsig_english] FLyrRasterSE export

Claudio cla.schifani at gmail.com
Thu Oct 4 10:53:02 CEST 2012

Hi all,
I'm trying to read and export an ASCII dem to a Tiff image

So, my code open and read the ASCCI file correctly but I don't know if a method or simple script to export to tiff exists...

layer = FLyrRasterSE.createLayer(files[i].getName(), new File(files[i].getAbsolutePath()), CRSFactory.getCRS("EPSG:3003")); // create raster from ASCII
FLyrRasterSE raster = (FLyrRasterSE) layer;	

// add to map view

someone can help me to do this?

thanks for any suggestion :-)


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