[Gvsig_english] The practical part starts at the "GIS for municipality management" course

Mario Carrera mcarrera at gvsig.com
Wed Dec 27 11:05:43 CET 2017

Hi Amade,

you won't be able to follow the course in ArcGIS because it's very 

The application used for the course is gvSIG, that you can download from 
the gvSIG website as it's indicated at the module 3.

In gvSIG you can do almost everything that you do in ArcGIS, but the 
main advantage is that it's free and you don't have to pay for it. You 
can install it in as many computers as you want.

There's also a free application for mobile devices (gvSIG Mobile) that 
will be shown at the last modules.

Best regards,

El 27/12/17 a las 05:00, Amade Milice escribió:
> Asunto:
> Re: The practical part starts at the "GIS for municipality management" 
> course
> De:
> Amade Milice <Amademilice598 en gmail.com>
> Fecha:
> 27/12/17 05:00
> Para:
> gvsig_internacional en listserv.gva.es
> Good morning, is that a problem, to use arcgis 10.2.1 for the course?


*Mario Carrera*

Training, Language and Communication Manager. gvSIG Association

Responsable de Formación, Internacionalización y Difusión. Asociación gvSIG

http://www.gvsig.com <http://www.gvsig.com/>

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