[Gvsig_usuarios] Re: [OpenSDI] Java bindings for GDAL (was [Gvsig_desarrolladores] JMRSID)

Frank Warmerdam warmerdam en pobox.com
Mar Sep 27 15:57:32 CEST 2005

On 9/27/05, Gabriel Roldán <groldan en axios.es> wrote:
> FYI: the gvSig team has managed to include Java bindings for GDAL inside its
> product.
> As it become obvious, java access to gdal may be of great interest for the
> GeoServer WMS/WCS implementations. My questions are:
> - do you know if access to gdal is thread safe? I guess I have read from the
> gdal creator that it is not still thread safe. Do you know if it would be
> suitable for a server usage?


There has been significant work in recent months to make GDAL thread-safe
under fairly specific circumstances.  These limitations include that read-only
is thread safe, but writing is not, and that any given dataset be accessed only
from one thread at a time.

> - do you have plans (if not already done) to commit and maintain the Java
> bindings for GDAL at the GDAL source tree? I ask because it seems like a long
> waited contribution on the GDAL site and forums.

The gvSig team has offered their Java bindings for GDAL back to me, but
my understanding is that they were built "ad hoc".  Kevin Ruland and Howard
Butler have been working on "next generation swig bindings" for GDAL and
my hope is that someone will be able to pick up the Java aspect of this work
to produce Java bindings that are closely aligned with other NG SWIG
bindings.  These would then be the "official" supported GDAL bindings.

Of course, from my point of view anyone is welcome to use the gvSig
GDAL bindings but they just won't be "officially supported".

Best regards,
I set the clouds in motion - turn up   | Frank Warmerdam, warmerdam en pobox.com
light and sound - activate the windows | http://pobox.com/~warmerdam
and watch the world go round - Rush    | Geospatial Programmer for Rent

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