RE: [Gvsig_usuarios] problema en la instalación de gvSIG
Juan Lucas Dominguez Rubio
jldominguez en
Vie Nov 23 14:36:29 CET 2007
Hello, Francisco:
The log file you have sent says there is an "out of memory error" with a DWG file, but you mention the DXF format (?). I am not the person who knows the most about those formats, but I can tell you this:
- gvSIG supports DWG version 2000. Other versions of DWG have problems. Can you open that file in an empty view without other views? Maybe the "out of memory error" is caused by a non-supported format version.
- CAD formats (like DXF and DWG) are loaded completely into memory. Are you opening very large files in that view or in another view?
Sorry, I cannot help you more than that.
We shouldn't be sending messages in English to this list. There is an international list in English if you feel more comfortable in that language:
Juan Lucas Domínguez Rubio
Prodevelop SL, Valencia (España)
Tlf.: 96.351.06.12 -- Fax: 96.351.09.68 <>
De: gvsig_usuarios-bounces en en nombre de Francisco Gutierres
Enviado el: vie 23/11/2007 13:46
Para: Lista de Usuarios de gvSIG
Asunto: Re: [Gvsig_usuarios] problema en la instalación de gvSIG
Hello Juan,
Thanks for your message.
Juan now I am writing in English.
Now I have managed to install the GvGIS without JAVA errors message. But I have another problem. Juan I suppose now I have de JVM, Libreries JAI and JAI Image I/O in my computer. It´s right?
I cannot install in administrator area because I don´t have acess to that. So I install in my area.
So I create my project and I add one view with one CAD layer, one DXF file, and 5 shp.
After this I create another view, and I try add one CAD layer and one DXF file, and appears the message I annex to this mail.
Thank you for the attention and help.
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