[Gvsig_usuarios] Desinstalación e nueva instalación GVSig 1.1.1.
Pedro Machado Monteiro
pedromachadomonteiro en gmail.com
Mar Abr 27 10:44:38 CEST 2010
Good morning <gvsig_usuarios en listserv.gva.es>
GvSig 1.1.1 was not correctly installed on my PC (because of a Java
conflict, I suppose) <gvsig_usuarios en listserv.gva.es>, and I want to
unnisntall it, in order to obtain a "clean" new installation.
Unfortunately, *the unninstall tool in the GVSig folder doesnt function. *
How do I solve this problem ?
Can you send me instructions for the unnistall and new install processes in
theese conditions?
Thank you very much
Pedro Monteiro
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