[Gvsig_english] Geocodification in gvSIG

Eloi Ribeiro eloi.ribeiro at gmail.com
Fri Jul 6 16:23:29 CEST 2007

The Portuguese system its very similar as it is in Spain except for the zip code where we use 7 digit numbers, as follow: 4100-446

As a sample, in Portugal our addressing system is the following one:

1) - Street type (e.g. Rua -street-, Avenida -avenue-, ...).
   - Street name (e.g. Sarah Afonso).
   - Number (e.g. 41,  ...).
   - Postal Code (7 digits, e.g. 4200-446)      
   - Town / village.
   - Example: Rua Sarah Afonso, 41 4200-446 Porto.

2) - Road name (e.g. estrada -road- Nacional 1, Autoestrada -highway-, ...) / Road code.
   - Milestone (e.g. km. 3,5).
   - Examples:
         * Estrada Nacional 1, Km 3,5.
         * A3, Km. 7.

More info in Portuguese, readable by any Spanish or at least it should :)

Here you can download a txt file with all Portuguese postal codes, and manuals about this issue:


Eloi Ribeiro

GIS PhD student at Valencia Polytechnic University


Spain, Valencia

Miguel Montesinos escreveu:
> Hello,
> we are starting the development of a new module aimed at offering normalization and geocodification capabilities in gvSIG.
> The addressing system varies in every country. We would like to know the different addressing systems used in your countries in order to cover as many addressing systems as possible.
> Could you please send me the addressing system of your country, as well as several examples.
> As a sample, in Spain our addressing system is the following one:
> 1) - Street type (e.g. calle -street-, avenida -avenue-, ...).
>    - Street name (e.g. Blasco Ibáñez).
>    - Number (e.g. 60, 15bis, ...).
>    - Postal Code (5 digits, e.g. 46010), where postal code follows the format PPLLL
>       * PP: Province code.
>       * LLL: Neighbourhood or village.
>    - Town / village.
>    - Example: Avenida Blasco Ibáñez, 60 46010 Valencia.
> 2) - Road name (e.g. carretera -road- Valencia a Pinedo, autovía -highway-, ...) / Road code.
>    - Milestone (e.g. km. 3,5).
>    - Examples:
>          * Carretera Valencia a Pinedo, Km 3,5.
>          * A3, Km. 7.
> Hope we'll be able to cover all your systems and get a good geocodification engine.
> Thanks for your collaboration,
> ---------------------------------
> Miguel Montesinos
> Technical Manager
> C/ Conde Salvatierra, 34 - 10
> 46004 Valencia. Spain
> e-mail: mmontesinos at prodevelop.es
> http://www.prodevelop.es
> Tlf: +34 963510612
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