[Gvsig_english] Re: install java problem

geral01 at institutoecos.org.br geral01 at institutoecos.org.br
Tue Feb 19 13:45:26 CET 2008

hi sergio,
about now I tested the last version of gvsig - just downloaded - with 
and without java dependencies - even the older version and then upgrade 
- in a vmware/win xp virtual area setup in a 2 processor Quad Core/8 GB 
RAM madriva linux box,(used for testing here) and in a Turion 64 2 GB 
Ram HP Pavillion notebook with vista.
in both cases, I used JRE 6 with update activated, JAI 1.1.3 and JAI I/O 
Tools 1.1, freshly downloaded from SUN services.
in both cases I experienced the very same problem. 
I have udig, openjump and a highly customized version of kosmo - used 
for urban cadastre - installed in those machines with no incidents 
during installation.
as we are a linux oriented development group - www.institutoecos.org.br 
- we may start all over from source if necessary, and test java 
dependencies more carefully.  we don`t do windows; it is just an rare 
incident for us when clients request. 
nonetheless, I`ll install the gvsig bin packed by you, in a mandriva box 
i picked up here - AMD 64 2 GB RAM with no java. I`ll keep you informed.

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