[Gvsig_english] GVsig : processor and projection

ju julien.guilloux at espaces-naturels.fr
Mon Jan 7 10:04:04 CET 2008

happy new year to GVSig team and all users.

my first question is about proccessing used.

with a 3 year old computer equiped with a intel M pentium processor 
GVsig is faster than a 6 month old computer with a sempron processor ( amd).

of course the 2 computer are correctlty defragment and only java version 
5 included with GVsig is installed.

so what are the recommandation for using GV sig. i' m going to buy some 
computer so it is important.

a second question really different about projection :
i have a shape file in WGS 84 decimal degrees ( epsg 4326 so greenwich 
when i try to open this shape in a view epsg 27572 (so french paris 
meridien) it does not fit.

the same things are correct with arcgis or mapinfo.
the same thing do not work with Qgis.

so i suppose that CRS engine in GV sig ( or Qgis) can reproject 
coordinate but only if meridien is the same. it is correct ?


Julien-Pierre Guilloux
Service scientifique - Géomatique
Parc National des Ecrins
Domaine de Charance
05 000 GAP
tél :
fax :
julien.guilloux at espaces-naturels.fr

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