[Gvsig_english] WMS and WCS raster pixel dimensions

fla83tn at libero.it fla83tn at libero.it
Wed Dec 2 09:40:26 CET 2009

I discovered that the error is caused by the WCS extension, which doesn't allow 
the request  of images with fixed resolution, that is,
omitting width and 
height parameters (this is possible in WCS). Is it really a lack of the WCS 
Note that I'm using gvSIG 1.9 build 1253 from SVN.

Best regards,


>Hi to all,
>I want to use sextante extension of gvSIG in order to 
compute z-
>dimension of 2-dimensional shapes using a DEM (Digital Elevatoin 
Model) layer.
>The DEM layer is a raster file, which has the following raster 
attributes if 
>loaded from file system:
>X pixel Dimension: 2.5
>Y pixel 
Dimension: -2.5
>rotation: 0.0
>Y rotation: 0.0
>If I load the same layer 
via WMS or WCS instead 
>(which is a GeoTiff image on the UMN Mapserver), the X 
pixel Dimension and Y 
>pixel Dimension 
>vary with respect to the width/height 
of the image in the 
>Vista form.
>This causes problem when calculating the z-
dimension of my 2-
>dimensional shapes.
>How could I fix the X pixel 
Dimension and Y pixel 
>Dimension of the raster?
>Any help is appreciated,

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