[Gvsig_english] View Frame Properties of Map Buggy

Jorge Gaspar Sanz Salinas jsanz at prodevelop.es
Tue Jan 5 10:09:26 CET 2010

Hash: SHA1

On 05/01/10 09:49, Jorge Gaspar Sanz Salinas wrote:
> On 05/01/10 01:58, Simon Cropper (Botanicus Australia Pty Ltd) wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Sorry for the constant stream of issues but I am finding the more I use 
>> the map facility the more buggy it seems.
>> After creation of a map template I find navigating within the map to 
>> orient the underlying view quite frustrating.
>> Compared to other projects where a single view is established and just 
>> layers turned on and off in the reference view, this project requires to 
>> move to multiple areas at different scales and positions. I presumed I 
>> could set up a template and pan to a particular location and print the map.
>> If I zoom to the open layers it does this as expected but once I am in 
>> around the 1:2000 to 1:10000 range all sorts of odd behaviour appears. 
>> One quite irritating behaviour is when a view gets stuck -- not quite at 
>> the right scale or location you use the zoom in, zoom out and map tools 
>> to try and change the location and the underlying layer just returns to 
>> the same location everytime. For example, to pan you drag the image away 
>> from the current location, release the mouse and the image immediately 
>> returns to the previous location. Using zoom out to see an entire site I 
>> select the reserve with the zoom in tool and you get a particular 
>> position, if you pan to make minor adjustments you have the above 
>> problem occur. If you zoom out then try again you get the same view 
>> configuration.
>> I have experimented with various scale options "keep constant", 
>> "maintain view scale" and "adjust automatically" and the behaviour 
>> occurs in all options. I usually find that I get the best position quite 
>> by accident after 5-10 minutes of adjusting.
>> Can people indicate how they would set up a project which have multiple 
>> reserves in one dataset and the need to produce multiple maps (various 
>> layers on/off) for each reserve? Create a single map for each reserve or 
>> section of reserve (my current thinking)?
> The first thing I thought after reading that was to use the "active
> link" check to "disconnect" the current view position on the map from
> its source.
> I've tested on 1.9 (BN 1253) and something is broken and this tools
> doesn't seem to work properly :(

ups sorry I misunderstood the "active link" check. The active link
doesn't refer to the view location but to the legend of the view.

That is to say, if you disable this link any change you make to the
view legend (enable/disable layers, change symbology) shouldn't be
reflected. Maybe the label is not so good and it should be something
like "freeze legend".

If you want to "stuck" the view in its position you have to select the
"maitain viewing scale", I'm testing two maps sharing the same view
and I'm able to maintain one of the maps while the other one is
adjusting if I change the view position.

Hope it helps

- -- 
Jorge Gaspar Sanz Salinas
Ingeniero en Geodesia y Cartografía
tfno: +34 963 510 612

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