[Gvsig_english] gvSIG 3D extension issues

Jordi Torres jtorresfabra at gmail.com
Fri May 21 12:04:06 CEST 2010

Hi Giovanni,

2010/5/21 G. Allegri <giohappy at gmail.com>

> > AFAIK unless you have admin permissions you can't remove anything from
> JRE.
> > That's the reason the installer can't remove native libs. In gvSIG 2.0
> > native libraries won't be copied to JRE, but I don't know if the
> installer
> > will be able to erase them.
> If you don't have admin permissions you can't even install them :)
> So, if you can install you can also uninstall. Am I missing something?
> I'm a linux and mac user but, in Windows the installer asks to you for an
admin password, am I wrong? The uninstall process does not. It's possible a
izPack related problem. In gvSIG 2.0 izPack will not be used anymore.

> BTW the vast majority of Win applications generate garbage in your
> system32/
> > directory.
> Yes, but if they miss the ability to uninstall that garbage I consider
> them buggy.

Take a look on your system32/ ;)...

> I appreciate your effort, and I can't pretend you to manage the
> uninstall, but I also think it's a VERY important feature that should
> be there...

As I said before this issue has been addressed for gvSIG-2.0, so we can't
afford working on a solution for gvSIG 1.9 unless there are funds or more
resources.  Are you open to collaborate with us by coding a solution or by
giving funds for this specific question?

Anyway, how would you explain a common user how to remove the previous
> libs? How to know the exact list of libs installed by Gvsig (3D)?
gvSIG is the only application that copies native libs in JRE directory :P.
Usually applications writes their native stuff in system 32.  There is a
thread in the spanish list, a couple of days ago, where my mate Maria Ten
writes about this topic.


> giovanni
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Jordi Torres Fabra

gvSIG 3D blog
Instituto de Automática e Informática Industrial
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