[Gvsig_english] Visibility analysis

Antonio Falciano afalciano at yahoo.it
Tue Sep 24 12:19:02 CEST 2013

Il 24/09/2013 11:48, Angus Jeffery ha scritto:
> Hello
> I am doing some visibility analysis work in gvSIG. I often use the grass
> r.cva process and various of the sextante visibility tools for standard
> viewsheds. I would like to work out how to do a 'reverse viewshed',
> whereby the output is a raster/heat map within a parcel of land, showing
> which areas are more or less visible from the surrounding area outside
> the parcel of land in the wider landscape. Does anyone have any ideas
> which tools to use and how to approach this most efficiently in gvSIG?
> Best regards
> Angus

Hi Angus,
"more or less visible" suggests me you are trying to compute the so
called "fuzzy viewshed", i. e. the degree of visibility between 0 and 1
of targets and vice versa. This kind of viewsheds are more sofisticated
than binary ones, which only say if a target is visible or not. The
logic consists into applying a fuzzy membership based on some physic law
to visibility and finally multiply the resulting raster with the
classical binary viewshed.
Some years ago [1] I reproduced them with SEXTANTE models (if I remember
well with SEXTANTE 0.6), but I'm not sure if all the tools involved in
this model are quite stable to do this work at the moment. Good luck!


[1] http://slidesha.re/aaTMsa (in Italian, sorry!)

Antonio Falciano

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