[Gvsig_english] Importing a raster image with gvSIG Mobile

Marcel Schoolmeesters schoolmeesters at gmx.de
Tue Apr 5 00:30:17 CEST 2011

ok, but shouldn't gvsig mobile be able to do that on its own? as it 
seems to do it after zooming 3x - why not in 0x/1x or 4x zoom? that's 
what I wondered...and wanted to mention :) would be easier than resizing 
the image wouldn't it.


Am 04.04.2011 08:40, schrieb Juan Lucas Dominguez Rubio:
> Hello,
> I used gdalwarp with the -tr param to change the resolution.
> The extent changes slightly due to roundings, I think, but the 
> difference is in the order of the decimeters, which is less than the 
> width of a pixel:
> Corner Coordinates:
> Upper Left  (   9.1256726,  53.4908082)
> Lower Left  (   9.1256726,  53.4750997)
> Upper Right (   9.1744405,  53.4908082)
> Lower Right (   9.1744405,  53.4750997)
> Center      (   9.1500566,  53.4829539)
> Corner Coordinates:
> Upper Left  (   9.1256726,  53.4908082)
> Lower Left  (   9.1256726,  53.4751060)
> Upper Right (   9.1744369,  53.4908082)
> Lower Right (   9.1744369,  53.4751060)
> Center      (   9.1500548,  53.4829571)
> The width/height ratio of the image has changed of course, because the 
> pixel resolution has changed only in one of the axis (the X axis).
> Regards,
> Juan Lucas Domínguez Rubio
> ---
> Prodevelop SL, Valencia (España)
> Tlf.: 96.351.06.12 -- Fax: 96.351.09.68
> http://www.prodevelop.es <http://www.prodevelop.es/>
> ---
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> *De:* gvsig_internacional-bounces at listserv.gva.es en nombre de Marcel 
> Schoolmeesters
> *Enviado el:* vie 01/04/2011 14:56
> *Para:* Users and Developers mailing list
> *Asunto:* Re: [Gvsig_english] Importing a raster image with gvSIG Mobile
> Hello,
> google coordinates are EPSG:3785, I think? (old name: EPSG:900913) - 
> That was the easiest way to get coordinates. I have used the map for 
> u-center (from u-blox), because of using that application for testing 
> last year. So I easily could lookup zthe upper edge. I did not have 
> any Desktop GIS installed, perhaps I should do that ;) but I will need 
> a map of the region with identical points, don't I? or is it possibvle 
> to transform by click and enter coordinates?
> Concerning your new map image: Did you change/rescale the image? it is 
> not the same anymore, so the new worldfile cannot be compared.
> As mentioned before, the image is not in EPSG:4326 obviously, 
> otherwise it would not have to be resized by gvSIG Mobile ;) and the 
> ratio is not really small, I think...it is rather 0.5 in height or 
> something surround it?
> Regards,
> Marcel
> Am 01.04.2011 09:22, schrieb Juan Lucas Dominguez Rubio:
>     Hello, I have realized that in your JGW file the first and fourth
>     parameters dont have the same absolute value:
>     1.073E-05
>     0
>     0
>     -6.352E-06
>     9.125678
>     53.490805
>     This is not wrong, but maybe the application is not dealing well
>     with it.
>     To create ECW images,  I have used FWTools
>     http://fwtools.maptools.org <http://fwtools.maptools.org/>
>     - install
>     - Start the command-line terminal from the new icon
>     - move to the folder where the files are (cd ...)
>     - type something like:
>     gdal_translate -of ecw jpg-map.jpg ecw-map.ecw
>     (JPG and JGW files in the current folder)
>     I have recreated the JPG and JGW to have the same absolute value
>     in the first and fourth parameters:
>     https://correo.prodevelop.es/descarga/gvsig/mobile/new_map.zip
>     Try that one and see if the image is ok now.
>     More info:
>     http://www.gdal.org/gdal_utilities.html
>     http://www.gdal.org/ogr_utilities.html
>     ************
>     Apart from that, this is another consideration not related to the
>     previous problem:
>     How did you create that image? Your original JPG seems to be using
>     a projected SRS (like Google's EPSG:900913 or the German EPSG:3146X).
>     Did you simply compute the coordinates in EPSG:4326 of the corners
>     and wrote the JGW file by hand? That would not be correct because
>     there is not a linear relation between those SRS (in other words,
>     the "rule of three" does not work with them). In this case, the
>     error would be not visible because it's a small area (so actually
>     that would be a simple, valid approximation), but it's always
>     better to do a proper reprojection with gvSIG or FWTools, for example.
>     Regards,
>     Juan Lucas Domínguez Rubio
>     ---
>     Prodevelop SL, Valencia (España)
>     Tlf.: 96.351.06.12 -- Fax: 96.351.09.68
>     http://www.prodevelop.es <http://www.prodevelop.es/>
>     ---
>     ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>     *De:* gvsig_internacional-bounces at listserv.gva.es en nombre de
>     Marcel Schoolmeesters
>     *Enviado el:* jue 31/03/2011 20:36
>     *Para:* Users and Developers mailing list
>     *Asunto:* Re: [Gvsig_english] Importing a raster image with gvSIG
>     Mobile
>     Hello,
>     well, I have created the image for myself with google coordinates
>     :-) and I've checked the coordinates of the image and of the
>     cursor...of course....so definitely, it is the image, which is not
>     scaled correctly each time, you can see when looking at those
>     screenshots. The image must be compressed in height (using
>     EPSG:4326) because of the location at 53° N...
>     I've checked the ECW and it looks and works fine,....can you tell
>     me the commands to create an ecw-file from worldfile? it is a
>     commandline tool, right?
>     And of course, you mention the "lot of things" the application is
>     doing while zoom or pan....but the image is even not compressed in
>     height being shown the first time (without any zoom)
>     Well, I think that should be checked...if yomebody got time...it
>     is not important to me at the moment...it might be nice to show
>     some bugs, too :-) but don't know if it is planned to change in
>     gvsig mobile 1.0?
>     Regards
>     Marcel
>     Am 31.03.2011 19:10, schrieb Juan Lucas Dominguez Rubio:
>         Hello,thanks for the files.
>         I mean that when you do zoom and pan in gvSIG Mobile, the
>         application does a lot of little things in order to draw the
>         image using as little memory as possible, and if one of those
>         steps is wrong, then the image might be misplaced, but I have
>         never noticed this.
>         I remember that there is a little bug that causes the GPS
>         arrow to be misplaced when you do some zoom and pan: until the
>         next GPS coordinates arrive (and refreshes the GPS arrow), it
>         can be misplaced. Maybe that's the problem you noticed? Is the
>         arrow misplaced even after you have received several new GPS
>         coordinates?
>         To find out who is misplaced (the image or the arrow) you can
>         load a shapefile (which always is ok, I think).You can
>         download some ECW and SHP of Bremenvorde from here:
>         https://correo.prodevelop.es/descarga/gvsig/mobile/
>         The files called "...31467..." are in EPSG:31467, in case you
>         prefer those. I created them with GDAL and OGR, so I think
>         they have a little error of 1 or 2 meters (which I think is
>         not a problem in this case).
>         So if you load the JPG, then the SHP and use the GPS, what
>         happens?
>         If the SHP and the JPG are consistent and the GPS is
>         misplaced, then there is a bug related to the GPS
>         arrow (temporarily? always?)
>         If the GPS and the SHP are consistent and the JPG is not, then
>         there is a problem with the WKR driver.
>         Regards,
>         Juan Lucas Domínguez Rubio
>         ---
>         Prodevelop SL, Valencia (España)
>         Tlf.: 96.351.06.12 -- Fax: 96.351.09.68
>         http://www.prodevelop.es <http://www.prodevelop.es/>
>         ---
>         ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>         *De:* gvsig_internacional-bounces at listserv.gva.es en nombre de
>         Marcel Schoolmeesters
>         *Enviado el:* jue 31/03/2011 17:54
>         *Para:* Users and Developers mailing list
>         *Asunto:* Re: [Gvsig_english] Importing a raster image with
>         gvSIG Mobile
>         Hello.
>         I know those performance problems. But _*if*_ the
>         transformation is performed, it should _not_ be wrong I think
>         :) better would be an error message which tells the user that
>         the image is too big or something...
>         I cannot upload the image (25MB *.png or 5MB *.jpg), but I
>         have uploaded the jpg to rapidshare, instead. /(The png file
>         is about 2MB  too big, it won't even be loaded, so I did not
>         upload it)/
>             JPG: http://rapidshare.com/files/455277713/jpg-raster.zip
>             ECW: http://rapidshare.com/files/455279357/ecw-map.ecw
>         I have compressed the file to ecw, too, but it is not
>         geo-referenced, I think. I tried AU ECW Compressor...because
>         the manual says, it will add geo-information...but it
>         doesn't....not from an extra worldfile.
>         Well, to load the worldfile of the JPG, you need to change the
>         getWorldFileExtensions() in WKFRasterDriver.java, I think. Or
>         change the extension to *.wld... but I'm sure, you know.
>         (however, jgw seems to be the default one, isn't it?)
>         Regards,
>         Marcel
>         Am 31.03.2011 17:04, schrieb Juan Lucas Dominguez Rubio:
>             Hello,
>             When zooming in and out with a non-ECW image, the
>             app performs some shift and clip operations to minimize
>             the amount of memory needed. I have never seen
>             any strange bevavior there, but there might be a bug, yes.
>             gdal_translate (FWTools) is free and creates faster, more
>             reliable ECW images.
>             which format are you using?
>             can you send the image to the list? (with the georef. file
>             if it's not a ecw file)
>             Regards,
>             Juan Lucas Domínguez Rubio
>             ---
>             Prodevelop SL, Valencia (España)
>             Tlf.: 96.351.06.12 -- Fax: 96.351.09.68
>             http://www.prodevelop.es <http://www.prodevelop.es/>
>             ---
>             ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>             *De:* gvsig_internacional-bounces at listserv.gva.es en
>             nombre de Marcel Schoolmeesters
>             *Enviado el:* jue 31/03/2011 16:51
>             *Para:* Users and Developers mailing list
>             *Asunto:* Re: [Gvsig_english] Importing a raster image
>             with gvSIG Mobile
>             Hey all,
>             I've got new interesting findings :-)
>                 * The error of the height of the image does_not appear
>                   at all_ when I zoom *three *times.
>                 * When I zoom *twice*, the error appears_only in the
>                   middle _of the image, but not when I see the
>                   background of the Map! I cannot say exactly,...
>                 * But when I does not zoom or/*only once...or four
>                   times or more*/... the image is_not resized _I
>                   think...it is the original ratio....
>             I have got some screenshots, so that you might understand
>             it better :)
>             Perhaps, it is a graphical bug? I don't know...perhaps,
>             somebody's got an idea? would be cool to be fixed!
>             Regards,
>             Marcel
>             Am 30.03.2011 16:42, schrieb Marcel Schoolmeesters:
>                 Thanks for the explanation.
>                 As I said, the ImageExt values are correct...(y is
>                 calculated by _y + _h, I think) .....I have debugged
>                 the data flow and everything is understandable up to
>                 this function (and afterwards. What the function is
>                 doing might be clear, and even the values of the
>                 viewRect, too,...after your little explanation, what
>                 should be self-evident :-)
>                 However, the final lower/left edge of the picture is
>                 not shown at 53.475096504° where it should be, but
>                 somewhere at 53.464...and I cannot find the code where
>                 this is calculated...(but better to say that I have
>                 given up because of so many steps...)
>                 Best regards,
>                 Marcel
>                 Am 30.03.2011 09:32, schrieb Juan Lucas Dominguez Rubio:
>                     Hello,
>                     that method computes the extent of the view when
>                     you add the first layer. The app knows the size of
>                     the screen and the extent of the layer, and their
>                     ratios are different, so you have to do a simple
>                     computation to find out the extent of the new view.
>                     Maybe you have misunderstood the extent of a layer
>                     and the extent of the view?
>                     When you add the first layer, the extent of the
>                     view is the smallest rectangle which contains the
>                     extent of the layer and, at the same
>                     time, respects the width/height ratio of the
>                     screen, of course.
>                     Regards,
>                     Juan Lucas Domínguez Rubio
>                     ---
>                     Prodevelop SL, Valencia (España)
>                     Tlf.: 96.351.06.12 -- Fax: 96.351.09.68
>                     http://www.prodevelop.es <http://www.prodevelop.es/>
>                     ---
>                     ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>                     *De:* gvsig_internacional-bounces at listserv.gva.es
>                     en nombre de Marcel Schoolmeesters
>                     *Enviado el:* mar 29/03/2011 21:20
>                     *Para:* Users and Developers mailing list
>                     *Asunto:* Re: [Gvsig_english] Importing a raster
>                     image with gvSIG Mobile
>                     well, I think the main problem of understanding is
>                     in function
>                     MapContext.*getExtentFromFullExtentAndImageSize*()
>                     ... I think the new height etc are calculated there?
>                     Am 29.03.2011 21:00, schrieb Marcel Schoolmeesters:
>                         Hello,
>                         I have tried to load a raster image (had to
>                         try jpg, because *.png did not even load), but
>                         I am getting a wrong position of the extent.
>                         Anybody got the same error?
>                         I have tried the debug mode, but there are too
>                         many functions to catch on. Perhaps anybody
>                         can help?
>                         Somewhere the map origin is changed from the
>                         upper edge to the lower edge, that far I could
>                         follow, but then the image extent (height) and
>                         the origin coords (of Y) has been changed.
>                         Why? it seems to be very hard to understand
>                         the whole way of building the image at the
>                         right place.
>                         However, in attachment the original rectangle
>                         and the changed one are shown with their
>                         values while debugging...
>                         The lower edge of the final image is
>                         positioned between those Y values (@ 53.464)
>                         but it needs to be positioned at 53.475....
>                         what is getRasterTansformation() actually doing?
>                         Thanks in advance, if anybody can help.
>                         However, that issue should be fixed, I think.
>                         The import of PNG is not even possible, as I
>                         mentioned before..
>                         Regards
>                         Marcel
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