[Gvsig_english] dbf encoding-postgis

Francisco José Peñarrubia fpenarru at gmail.com
Wed May 25 16:20:45 CEST 2011

Hi Magdalena.

I think I know what is the problem.

Java uses a string "UTF-8" to name the encoding, and PostgreSQL uses a 
"UTF8" or "Unicode" string to name the encoding. We can fix it for next 
release, but until then, can you use a "Latin1" Postgresql database?.
I guess if you try with a Latin1, you will be able to work with your 
characters well.

Let us know it it is enough for you, please.


El 25/05/2011 16:10, Magdalena Krufova escribió:
> Thanks a lot for your advices,
> I tried to assign encoding cp1250 to the dbf file, I saw the czech 
> characters well, but after exporting to postgis and then adding this 
> postgis layer to the view the czech characters appear again as squares 
> (see file test_cp1250 in attachment).
> I also tried to creat completely new shapefile (in gvSIG 1.11.0) with 
> czech characters in atribute table and with encoding UTF-8, but 
> exactly the same problem appeared (see file test_UTF8 in attachment).
> And I am sure, that the database is in UTF-8.
> Thanks,
> Magdalena
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Fran Peñarrubia

Asociación gvSIG

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